Overcoming the top 5 productivity challenges of LCV fleets – Part 5

Overcoming the top 5 productivity challenges of LCV fleets - Part 5

Following on from last week’s article, below we discuss Productivity Challenge number five and provide suitable solutions to help LCV fleets improve efficiency and reduce costs.

Challenge 5

Just in time

Your LCV fleet is the final, essential link in a logistics chain that promises just-in-time delivery. That puts a lot of pressure on your scheduling skills, on the vehicles, and on the drivers themselves. This pressure may then actually contribute to a significant number of late deliveries.  Falling short of customer expectations represents a definite risk to long-term success and profitability.

Inaccurate estimated times of arrival for deliveries in particular can have a negative impact on a business’s reputation. Time is precious and customers are no longer satisfied with rough estimations that span a few days – instead they want to know the exact time window on the exact day that they will receive their goods.

Businesses need to adapt to consumer expectations, and fleet management assists in ensuring that quality customer service is provided. This is critical in terms of business survival, particularly when it comes to delivering within the estimated time of arrival.


Digitisation of fleet workflow

The role of the fleet manager is developing from being a tactical day-to-day doer, to a forward-thinking strategic analyst and digital systems can deliver immense value.

A professional fleet management provider will be able to provide access to a range of digital systems and tools to help streamline fleet workflow and reduce the time spent managing these tasks daily, freeing up fleet managers to focus on providing a quality service to customers.

A trusted fleet management partner

By employing a professional fleet management provider with dedicated LCV specialists and a deep understanding of the specific demands and challenges of running a LCV fleet, your fleet will be fully supported in meeting your customers’ expectations and delivering value back to your business.

An experienced fleet management provider will help you achieve substantial time and cost savings by leveraging the breadth and depth of their fleet knowledge.  As your business grows and your LCV fleet expands, a trusted fleet partner will be able to accommodate that growth and help future proof your fleet.