The importance of making time for daily vehicle checks

The importance of making time for daily vehicle checks

Costing companies as much as £1000 a day, faulty vehicles are a bugbear of any fleet manager. Not only that, vehicle defects are also a top contributor of accidents and casualties on our roads.

For many companies, their vehicle fleets are business critical, making it even more of a priority to keep them roadworthy, as unexpected downtime may mean your employees are unable to carry out their work.

Under Health and Safety Legislation, a vehicle is a place of work. The law requires that workplaces are maintained in a condition that is safe and without risk to health and safety. Vehicles must be kept safe and fit for purpose.

Most vehicle faults are maintenance related and can be prevented through simple and regular vehicle checks.   Some of the common faults include braking defects, damaged wheels and tyres, faulty lights, leakages as well as visible suspension and chassis defects.

The majority of these faults can be fixed if drivers conduct a vehicle pre-check before use.  It is important to make sure that obvious vehicle defects that could affect vehicle safety and the safety of others are identified.

Daily vehicle checks make sure that a reliable service can be delivered to your customers and that workers can complete journeys safely and on time.

Take a look at our how to guides, to ensure your vehicles are checked correctly:

Vehicle Walk Around Check

Driving a Van: Daily Walk Around Check  

View our downloadable factsheet library here to ensure you are safe and up to date on the roads.