Electric and hybrid vehicles – Safety First

E&HVs Safety First

Environmental concerns, newly established legislations and the continuous investments by manufacturers are some of the factors contributing to the emerging interest in electric and hybrid vehicles. EVs are different than internal combustion engines, meaning that new safety hazards are present. Hybrid vehicles combine an internal combustion engine with an electric power (such as a battery), whereas EVs run on battery power only.

It is important to note, that the voltages in Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (E&HVs) are higher, meaning that accidental contact can result in serious injury or be fatal. Furthermore, batteries may contain explosive gasses and harmful liquids, and if not dealt with correctly can lead to explosion.

Therefore, we outlined some of the key safety actions and recommendations related to hybrid and electric vehicles:

It is important to receive all of the training and information needed in regard to the E&HV. Before getting into the driver’s seat, read carefully the vehicle’s manual and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

The level of competency may vary, depending on what kind of work people are expected to do with E&HVs. For example, if you are involved in repair and/or maintenance, specific and much greater training is required.

Due to the complexity of E&HVs, it is important that you stop using your vehicle and seek assistance if you notice a fault or issue. If your E&HV breaks down on the road, make sure you find a safe place to stop and contact your breakdown provider. Furthermore, it is important to always inform others about the current state of the vehicle, to reduce risk while it is being repaired.

Before charging your vehicle for a first time, read and follow the manufacturer’s guide. We summarised few of the do’s and don’ts to outline some of the charging safety considerations:

  • Only use charging points that are compatible with your vehicle
  • Charing points should be located in safe areas. Avoid charging if charging locations are unattended
  • Never use domestic multi plug extension lead or daisy chaining extensions.
  • Your charging cable needs to be undamaged. With this in mind, check it regularly for wear and tear and replace from a reputable retailer, if needed.
  • If you battery is damaged, avoid charging. It is important to seek support.

The UK Government is supporting the expansion of E&HVs, by providing different grants and initiatives in order to increase the charging infrastructure. To find out more information click here

Fortunately, there are EVs which can travel up to 250 miles on a single charge, however if you are going on a long trip, in order to avoid putting yourself in a stressful situation preparation is recommended. This includes planning your journey, as well as identifying where all the charging points on your route are.

The network of charging points in the UK is huge and constantly growing. To find out more: ZAP – MAP

Research shows that some drivers are concerned about driving an E&HV in the rain. It is proven that E&HVs are waterproof and can be driven in any weather conditions, as well as being charged. Charge points are also waterproof, have been tested and are installed in accordance to the relevant safety regulations. For more myths and misconceptions about EVs, watch our short video: EV Myths & Misconceptions


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